Source code for pacifica.cli.configure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Methods for configuring the client."""
from __future__ import print_function
from sys import stdin, stdout

__all__ = [

[docs]def configure_url_endpoints(global_ini): """Query and set the URL endpoints.""" print(""" Endpoints are an HTTP URL that looks similar to a website but are designed for an uploader to interact with. What are the endpoint URLs for the following... """) for endpnt in ['upload', 'upload_status', 'upload_policy', 'upload_validation', 'download', 'download_policy']: default_url = global_ini.get('endpoints', '{}_url'.format(endpnt)) endpnt_nice = ' '.join([ part.capitalize() for part in endpnt.split('_') ]) stdout.write('{} URL ({}): '.format(endpnt_nice, default_url)) stdout.flush() strip_input = stdin.readline().strip() if strip_input: global_ini.set('endpoints', '{}_url'.format(endpnt), strip_input)
[docs]def configure_ca_bundle(global_ini): """Query for the ca bundle when using https.""" default_verify = global_ini.get('endpoints', 'ca_bundle') print(""" CA certificate bundle is the path to your certificate authority bundle. Use this if you have a custom site SSL Certificate for your Site. Valid values: - True: verify the SSL server certificiate using system bundle - False: do not verify the SSL server certificate (not recommended) - a/path/to/a/cacert/bundle: custom path to the server certificate """) stdout.write('CA Certificate Bundle ({}): '.format(default_verify)) stdout.flush() strip_input = stdin.readline().strip() if strip_input: global_ini.set('endpoints', 'ca_bundle', strip_input)
def configure_client_ssl(global_ini): """Query and set the client ssl key and cert.""" for ssl_part in ['key', 'cert']: default_cfg = global_ini.get('authentication', ssl_part) stdout.write('Client {} ({}): '.format( ssl_part.capitalize(), default_cfg)) stdout.flush() strip_input = stdin.readline().strip() if strip_input: global_ini.set('authentication', ssl_part, strip_input) def configure_basic_auth(global_ini): """Query and set the client username and password.""" for auth_part in ['username', 'password']: default_cfg = global_ini.get('authentication', auth_part) stdout.write('{} ({}): '.format(auth_part.capitalize(), default_cfg)) stdout.flush() strip_input = stdin.readline().strip() if strip_input: global_ini.set('authentication', auth_part, strip_input)
[docs]def configure_auth(global_ini): """Query and set the authentication configuration.""" print(""" There are three kinds of authentication types supported. - clientssl - This is where you have an SSL client key and cert - basic - This is a username and password - gssapi - Use GSSAPI tickets to authenticate - None - Do not perform any authentication """) default_auth_type = global_ini.get('authentication', 'type') stdout.write('Authentication Type ({}): '.format(default_auth_type)) stdout.flush() strip_input = stdin.readline().strip() if strip_input and strip_input in ['clientssl', 'basic', 'gssapi', 'None']: global_ini.set('authentication', 'type', strip_input) auth_type = global_ini.get('authentication', 'type') if auth_type == 'clientssl': configure_client_ssl(global_ini) elif auth_type == 'basic': configure_basic_auth(global_ini)