Source code for pacifica.cli.upload

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The upload module used to send the data to ingest."""
from __future__ import print_function
from threading import Thread
from json import dumps
from copy import deepcopy
import errno
from sys import stdout
from os import pipe, fdopen, walk, stat
from os.path import isfile, isdir, sep, join
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
import logging
from pacifica.uploader import Uploader, bundler

BLOCK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def generate_names_from_dir(dirpath, followlinks): """Generate a file list from a dirpath.""" ret = [] for root, _dirs, files in walk(dirpath, followlinks=followlinks): for fname in files: name = join(root, fname).replace(sep, '/') ret.append(name) return ret
[docs]def build_file_list_from_args(file_list, followlinks): """Build a file list from args passed on cmdline.""" ret = [] for path in file_list: if isdir(path): ret.extend(generate_names_from_dir(path, followlinks)) elif isfile(path): ret.append(path) else: raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, '{} is not a file or directory.'.format(path)) return ret
[docs]def upload_files_from_args(file_list, followlinks, prefix): """Generate a files structure required by bundler.""" data_struct = [] for path in build_file_list_from_args(file_list, followlinks): arcpath = path if prefix: arcpath = '{}/{}'.format(prefix, path) data_struct.append({ 'name': 'data/{}'.format(arcpath), 'size': stat(path).st_size, 'mtime': stat(path).st_mtime, 'fileobj': open(path, 'rb') }) return data_struct
[docs]def check_okay(status): """Check if the status is something wrong.""" return status['state'] == 'OK'
[docs]def check(status): """Check the status since it's complicated.""" chk = status['state'] != 'OK' chk |= status['task'] != 'ingest metadata' chk |= int(float(status['task_percent'])) != 100 return chk
[docs]def save_local(rfd, wfd, save_filename, compressor): """Save the bytes from rfd to args.savelocal and wfd.""" try: with open(save_filename, 'wb') as sfd: buf = while buf: sfd.write(compressor.compress(buf)) wfd.write(buf) buf = sfd.write(compressor.flush()) finally: rfd.close() wfd.close()
[docs]def tar_in_tar(rfd, wfd, md_update, bundle_size): """Generate another bundler and wrap rfd in that tar.""" upload_files = [{ 'fileobj': rfd, 'name': 'data/data.tar', 'size': bundle_size, 'mtime': ( - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() }] try: bundle = bundler.Bundler(md_update, upload_files) finally: rfd.close() wfd.close()
[docs]def pipefds(): """Setup pipe but return file objects instead.""" rfd, wfd = pipe() rfd = fdopen(rfd, 'rb') wfd = fdopen(wfd, 'wb') return (rfd, wfd)
[docs]def setup_chain_thread(pipes, args, func, wthreads, doit): """Setup a local thread if we doit using func.""" if doit: rfd, wfd = pipes crfd, cwfd = pipefds() my_args = [rfd, cwfd] my_args.extend(args) wthread = Thread(target=func, args=my_args) wthread.daemon = True wthread.start() wthreads.append(wthread) LOGGER.debug('Done with creating worker thread.') return crfd, wfd return pipes
[docs]def get_size_of_tar(md_update, args): """Get the size of the tar file, no tarintar.""" stdout.write('Determining size of tar: ') rfd, wfd = pipefds() length = 0 wthreads = [] setup_bundler(wfd, deepcopy(md_update), args, wthreads) buf = 'blarg' while buf: buf = length += len(buf) LOGGER.debug('Waiting for bundler thread to complete.') for wthread in wthreads: wthread.join() stdout.write('Done {}.\n'.format(length)) return length
[docs]def get_size_of_tar_in_tar(md_update, args, tar_size): """Return the content-length for the upload.""" stdout.write('Determining size of tar in tar: ') length = 0 wthreads = [] rfd, wfd = setup_chain_thread(pipefds(), (deepcopy( md_update), tar_size), tar_in_tar, wthreads, True) setup_bundler(wfd, md_update, args, wthreads) buf = 'blarg' while buf: buf = length += len(buf) for wthread in wthreads: wthread.join() stdout.write('Done {}.\n'.format(length)) return length
[docs]def determine_sizes(md_update, args): """Return the sizes of the tar, tar_in_tar and overall content length.""" tar_size = get_size_of_tar(deepcopy(md_update), args) tar_in_tar_size = 0 content_length = tar_size LOGGER.debug('Size of tar %s tar_in_tar %s', md_update, deepcopy(md_update)) if args.tarintar: tar_in_tar_size = get_size_of_tar_in_tar( deepcopy(md_update), args, tar_size) content_length = tar_in_tar_size return content_length, tar_size, tar_in_tar_size
[docs]def perform_upload(md_update, args, content_length, tar_size): """Setup threads and perform the upload.""" LOGGER.debug('Starting Upload.') wthreads = [] rfd, wfd = setup_chain_thread( pipefds(), (deepcopy(md_update), tar_size), tar_in_tar, wthreads, args.tarintar ) rfd, wfd = setup_chain_thread( (rfd, wfd), (args.localsave, args.localcompress), save_local, wthreads, args.localsave ) setup_bundler(wfd, md_update, args, wthreads) LOGGER.debug('Starting with rfd (%s) and wfd (%s) and %s threads %s', rfd, wfd, len(wthreads), content_length) if args.do_not_upload: jobid, up_obj = fake_uploader(rfd, content_length) else: jobid, up_obj = invoke_uploader(md_update, rfd, content_length) for wthread in wthreads: wthread.join() LOGGER.debug('Threads completd') rfd.close() return jobid, up_obj
[docs]def fake_uploader(rfd, content_length): """Fake the upload by reading all the content then returning.""" read_data = 0 while read_data < content_length: buf = read_data += len(buf) return -1, None
[docs]def invoke_uploader(md_update, rfd, content_length): """Invoke the uploader code to actually upload.""" up_obj = Uploader(auth=md_update.get_auth()) # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods class FakeFileObj: """Fake out the file object.""" def __init__(self, rfd, rfd_len): """Constructor for fake streaming obj.""" self.len = rfd_len self.rfd = rfd def read(self, size=-1): """Read from the rfd size amount.""" return # pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods jobid = up_obj.upload(FakeFileObj(rfd, content_length), content_length=content_length) return jobid, up_obj
[docs]def wait_for_upload(args, jobid, up_obj): """Wait (or not) for the jobid to complete the ingest process.""" if not args.wait or args.do_not_upload: print('Not Waiting Job ID ({})'.format(jobid)) return 0 print('Waiting job to complete ({}).'.format(jobid)) status = up_obj.getstate(jobid) while check_okay(status) and check(status): sleep(1) status = up_obj.getstate(jobid) print('Done.') return status
[docs]def upload_main(md_update, args): """Main upload method.""" if args.dry_run: return None content_length, tar_size, tar_in_tar_size = determine_sizes( md_update, args) LOGGER.debug('Size of tar %s tar_in_tar %s', tar_size, tar_in_tar_size) if not content_length: LOGGER.error('Something went wrong generating the tarfile.') return -1 jobid, up_obj = perform_upload(md_update, args, content_length, tar_size) status = wait_for_upload(args, jobid, up_obj) print(dumps(status, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) return 0
[docs]def setup_bundler(wfd, md_update, args, wthreads): """Setup the bundler or local retry if passed.""" if args.localretry: def read_bundle(): """Read a bundle and send it to wfd.""" try: with open(args.localretry, 'rb') as rfd: buf = while buf: wfd.write(buf) buf = wfd.close() LOGGER.debug('Done with reading bundle.') finally: wfd.close() wthread = Thread(target=read_bundle) wthread.daemon = True wthread.start() wthreads.append(wthread) return def make_bundle(): """Make the bundler out of files on cmdline.""" try: upload_files = upload_files_from_args( args.files, args.followlinks, md_update.directory_prefix()) LOGGER.debug(upload_files) LOGGER.debug(md_update) bundle = bundler.Bundler(md_update, upload_files) wfd, callback=lambda x: stdout.write( '\r' + ' ' * 80 + '\r{:03.2f}%\r'.format(x * 100)), sleeptime=2 ) wfd.close() stdout.write('\r \r') LOGGER.debug('Done with making bundle.') finally: wfd.close() wthread = Thread(target=make_bundle) wthread.daemon = True wthread.start() wthreads.append(wthread)