Source code for pacifica.cli.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Utilities module for common methods."""
import sys
from os import makedirs, sep
from os.path import expanduser, join, isdir, isfile, isabs
from bz2 import BZ2Compressor
from zlib import compress

[docs]def system_config_path(config_file): """Return the system configuration path.""" for config_dir_path in [join('{}etc'.format(sep), 'pacifica-cli'), join(sys.prefix, 'pacifica-cli')]: config_path = join(config_dir_path, config_file) if isfile(config_path): return config_path return config_file
[docs]def user_config_path(config_file): """Return the global configuration path.""" if isabs(config_file): return config_file home = expanduser('~') pacifica_local_state = join(home, '.pacifica_cli') if not isdir(pacifica_local_state): makedirs(pacifica_local_state, 0o700) return join(pacifica_local_state, config_file)
[docs]def compressor_generator(compressor_type): """Return a compressor based on type, bzip2, gzip.""" class Compressor: """Compressor object has consistent interface for compressing data.""" def __init__(self): """Constructor to build the appropriate compressor type.""" if compressor_type == 'bzip2': self._comp = BZ2Compressor(9) self._comp_func = self._comp.compress self._flush_passthru = False elif compressor_type == 'gzip': self._comp = None self._comp_func = lambda x: compress(x, 9) self._flush_passthru = True else: self._comp = None self._comp_func = lambda x: x self._flush_passthru = True def compress(self, buf): """Compress the data and return it.""" return self._comp_func(buf) def flush(self): """Flush the data internally if required.""" if self._flush_passthru: return bytearray() return self._comp.flush() return Compressor()