CLI Options

These are the command line options reference all the options are present here and have a description.

Global Options

These options are common to all commands and affects behavior of the cli.

--verbose This options requires an option which tells python logging what messages to print.
--config This specifies the system metadata configuration for use when uploading data.

Upload Sub-Command Options

There are two sets of options to the upload sub-command. The first comes from the missing values in the metadata configuration json file. The second are common for all uploads and will be documented further.

--follow-links This will follow symlinked directories as you walk a directory tree building the list of files to upload.
--nowait The uploader will not wait for the successful or failed ingest of the upload. Instead you will have to query for this information later.
--local-retry Upload an already generated bundle by the –local-save option. This option will honor the –local-save and –tar-in-tar options as well.
--local-save The uploader will save off a copy of the uploaded bundle of data. The path is defined as the argument to the option.
 Use a compression algorithm (gzip, bzip2) when creating the local save.
--tar-in-tar A second bundler will be running generating a TAR in a TAR for upload.
--dry-run Do just the query portion of the upload and print off what the metadata will be set to. This will not upload or generate a local save or retry.
--interactive Interact with the results of the query engine to manually select the values for each metadata entry requested.
 This forces the upload process to stop before uploading. This works well with the –local-save option.