
The configure subcommand generates a local configuration file for the user. It will read the system configuration to preseed its defaults and asks the user to enter the values required. An example configuration is located here.

The system configuration is processed first and the two directories are, /etc/pacifica-cli/config.ini then PYTHON_PREFIX/pacifica-cli/config.ini. Which ever is found first the client uses that as the system default.

The user configuration is processed second, if found. The directory the client looks in by default is ~/.pacifica_cli/config.ini. The ~ translates to the users home directory on any platform.

System Metadata

The metadata is managed by a JSON configuration file referenced by an environment variable UPLOADER_CONFIG. By default the environment variable is set to uploader.json. However, it could be managed at a system level or changed on the command line by the --config option.

The contents of the metadata configuration file is complex and should be read from here. Please get your systems administrator to help create this file for you. An example to start from is here.