Query Module

These are the query methods used for interactive query.


Find the appropriate pager default is embedded python pager.

pacifica.cli.query.filter_results(md_update, query_obj, regex)

Filter the results of query_obj by regex and save result back into md_update.


Find a leaf node that has all deps resolved.

pacifica.cli.query.format_query_results(md_update, query_obj)

Format the query results and return some data structures.

pacifica.cli.query.interactive_select_loop(md_update, query_obj, default_id)

While loop to ask users what they want to select.

pacifica.cli.query.paged_content(title, display_data, valid_ids)

Display the data yielding results.


Walk the system path and return executable path.

pacifica.cli.query.query_main(md_update, args)

Query from the metadata configuration.

pacifica.cli.query.set_query_obj(dep_meta_ids, md_update, obj)

Return the query object or false.

pacifica.cli.query.set_results(md_update, query_obj, default_id, interactive=False)

Set results of the query and ask if interactive.

pacifica.cli.query.set_selected_id(selected_id, default_id, valid_ids)

Return the selected ID validating it first.